Tuesday 26 November 2013

Remember the blog check list year 12!

Production logo 

  • Ideas for your production logo
  • Production logo research with embedded video 
  • Final logo 
  • Final logo with explanation of how you made the logo 
Opening sequence research

  • Introduction to assessment brief 
  • Target audience research (video questionnaire /focus group)
  • Reflection on audience research 
  • Outline storyline and characters 
  • Props and costume
  • Draft script 
  • Animatic storyboard
  • Music for the sequence (process of making the music) 
  • Filming planning materials (call sheets, production schedule, health & safety issues, recce) 
  • Research into titles (with video and screen grabs)
  • Possible filming locations   
  • Images of filming once film has started 
  • Research in Thrillers (similar to your film) 
  • Powerpoint assignment 
  • What did you learn from your prelim? 
  • Reflection on our trip
The examiners report states that for a level 4 you need to show substantial evidence of research and planning. So get blogging year 12....


Please see this excellent example blog .....

Friday 22 November 2013

What is foley sound?

Pete Fraser talked about Foley sound and using this in your film. I found this interesting youtube video explaining how it works. Foley sound is important to build up atmosphere and makes the film more believable. Foley sound is used loads in film and it is interesting to see how the sounds are made.

Reflections on our year 12 media trip

What an amazing day! Inspiring and insightful, Pete Fraser gave some really useful tips on how to achieve the best grade and make a film you could be proud of.

There is still a lot of work that needs to go on the blog, so get blogging! The general rule is that the blog needs to take you on a journey from initial ideas to final project.

For level 4 research and planning their needs to be substantial evidence- See checklist
Make sure you follow Pete Fraser’s blog; all the presentation resources are on his site.