Wednesday 29 January 2014

Top tips from your chief examiner Pete Fraser

Year 12 Homework

Thriller genre research

Alfred Hitchcock is a renowned director who has built up a reputation as the master of suspense in the thriller genre. There are many cinematic techniques and devices that he uses to build up anticipation in the audience.

Produce a blog post: summarising Alfred’s impact on the thriller genre and the 13 steps on how to make a Hitchcock thriller film.

How to turn your boring movie into a Hitchcock thriller...


Analyse the opening sequence of vertigo. You also must embed the video in your blog.

Comment on: (how and why)

Use of titles (fonts/ how they appear on screen/ graphics)
Non –diegetic sound
Establishing characters and setting
Creating atmosphere / thriller conventions /enigma

Year 11 Media Homework - Due Friday 31st Jan

Year 11 Homework sheet

The process of producing my magazine  

Write at least three paragraphs outlining the process of making your front cover /contents or article pages.

You could hand write your work or type up on the computer with an image of your magazine next to your writing.

If you have not made any pages of your magazine, write how you plan to produce it.

 Sentence starters

First, I placed the masthead at the top ....

On the front cover I used original images taken with .....

The original image used represents ......  

I used the colour I wanted to ......

I cropped the images using photoshop ......

Background colours ......

Cover lines were .......

Fonts .....

Monday 20 January 2014

A perfect opportunity for media students!

Want to be mentored by experienced top journalists and learn how a newsroom works? This is your chance to Break Into News!

Maybe you shoot films with your friends at the weekends, you’re part of a local film club or blog about what you see on your screen. Maybe you’ve never created your own media but have a passion you’re keen to explore. If you’re 18-25-years-old with limited media or broadcasting experience, this is your chance to be mentored by top journalists and produce your own local news report.

Media Trust and ITV News have launched Breaking Into News 2014 to offer budding broadcast journalists the opportunity to learn writing, reporting and production skills. The scheme is specifically designed to support young people from across the country that wouldn’t normally be presented with this kind of opportunity.

To apply you will need to submit a short description about yourself and your background, an idea of what you’d like your report to focus on, and why you deserve the opportunity to ‘break into news’.  The team isn’t looking for polished ideas, just a passion to tell a story on screen and enthusiasm to know how a newsroom works. 
Apply here - closing date midday 21 February 2014

Friday 17 January 2014

Year 12 Media coursework - Film Openings research Homework

Write a review on the video clip answering the following questions. Take notes whilst watching and even look at audience responses on the youtube feed.

What is the purpose of an opening sequence? Why is it important?  

How does the design or concept of titles add to the viewing experience?

What are some of the examples shown in the clip? What cinematic techniques are used? Editing, shots ...

Explain the title design or concept of your opening sequence – what type of fonts will be used? What atmosphere do you want to create? How are characters introduced? What narrative has been set up? How have you tried to create an enigma? How is setting introduced? Editing techniques you plan to use - explain why

You may want to add images to your blog post to illustrate points.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Remember the blog check list year 12!

Production logo 

  • Ideas for your production logo
  • Production logo research with embedded video 
  • Final logo 
  • Final logo with explanation of how you made the logo 
Opening sequence research

  • Introduction to assessment brief 
  • Target audience research (video questionnaire /focus group)
  • Reflection on audience research 
  • Outline storyline and characters 
  • Props and costume
  • Draft script 
  • Animatic storyboard
  • Music for the sequence (process of making the music) 
  • Filming planning materials (call sheets, production schedule, health & safety issues, recce) 
  • Research into titles (with video and screen grabs)
  • Possible filming locations   
  • Images of filming once film has started 
  • Research in Thrillers (similar to your film) 
  • Powerpoint assignment 
  • What did you learn from your prelim? 
  • Reflection on our trip
The examiners report states that for a level 4 you need to show substantial evidence of research and planning. So get blogging year 12....

Please see this excellent example blog .....