Friday 4 October 2013

I hope your keeping an eye on the Northolt blog!

Year 12 Media

This week we looked at different opening sequences and the conventions of Thriller genre.

So blog posts that need to be completed for next week are:

Functions of an opening sequence

Research sequences and conventions of Thrillers

180 degree rule, shot reverse shot and match on action

what did you learn from your preliminary task?

Also you can start to put forward your ideas for your Thriller, look on youtube and type in OCR media thriller sequences and you will find hundreds on there.

Year 10 Media

We are making magazines front covers, print out your work and put it in your blue folders.

The work you should have in your blue folders so far is:

Magazine front covers analysis

Analysis of contents page

Mock layout for your magazine cover and other pages

Have a good weekend!

Miss Alleyne

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