Tuesday 9 July 2013

Benefits of The Guardian online

Newspapers are declining so in order for the institutions to continue to be successful, they have to modernise and slightly turn away from the traditional ways of media.

Benefits of The Guardian online;

* Newspapers are yesterdays news, Why buy the paper if we can access the latest news and first hand information online for free?

* The internet is easily accessible, there are so many things we can use to get on the internet and catch up on the latest news. For example, Smart phones now have apps for The Guardian and other institutions so you can get your news whilst on the go.

* Offering news in different multimedia platforms such as live podcasts, slide shows, opinion polls, videos etc.

*Users add value and content to the site by interacting and commenting with others about the reports and articles.

* The institution can see which articles are most popular so they now know what topics to report about more.

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