Friday 12 July 2013

GCSE Media: Unit 1- A good DVD analysis!

The DVD cover for woman in black looks like the movie’s genre is a thriller. I can tell because the iconography has dark colours such as blue, purple and black. The use of dark colours represents fear and yet makes the movie seem like a mystery as well so the audience can infer just from the DVD cover that the movie is a cross genre.

In the background behind the close up of a man, the iconography shows that there is a figure in cloak dressed in black, this refers back to the title of the movie which is “Woman in black” and this connotes that this person is in fact the woman in black. The fact that you cant see her face shows that she is very mysterious and this movie may be about finding about her past and her secrets which refers back to the tag line ‘she’ll never let go’ which gives a clue to the audience that she holds a grudge which makes the audience wonder why and if they watch the movie they will find out. This connotes that the movie is a mystery genre.
Behind the figure there is a house. To many people, haunted houses is a classic for thrillers so the audience might think that there is going to be a haunted house involved and that she is associated with the haunted house which gives another clue that she might be a ghost and this connotes that the movie is a thriller. Also the typography is as if it is worn out which makes the DVD cover look creepy which gives another clue that the movie is about a ghost.

The figure and the house is surrounded by blue and purple which makes it look gloomy but also makes the scene with the figure and the house seems like it is in the past because usually when movies show what happens in the past the screen has a bit of a gloomy effect so this connotes that many scenes might be set in the past.
The iconography shows a close up of a man in the DVD cover which may shows the audience that he could be the main character. His facial expression is serious which connotes that the movie is a thriller and not a comedy. Also his facial expression looks very serious but his eyes looks a bit wide as if he has seen a ghost, and he looks pretty scared but he also looks as if he is trying to maintain his fear and he looks determined to find out something which refers back to his facial expression looking serious and the fact that the movie is also a mystery.

At the back of the DVD cover shows a little of blood, this indicates to the audience that the movie has elements of gory/ death but there is only a little bit which shows that is not too much gory. This connotes that the age rating won’t be so high because usually gory films are at high age ratings.
At the top of the DVD cover shows the name “Daniel Radcilffe” and he played in the series Harry Potter. Harry Potter was a movie aimed at teenagers. So this connotes that this movie is also aimed at teenagers as well  because Daniel Radcliffe is mostly recognized by teenagers and they might want to see this movie because of him, so it wouldn’t be good if the age rate was much older than the Harry Potter series because then most people wont be able to see it and the movie will lose money.

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