Monday 8 July 2013

People power: 'We are the media' Dan Gillmor's Citizen Journalism

Gillmor explores how the explosion of grassroots internet journalists (bloggers) has changed the way news is handled.

  One of the main points in the book is that large media corporations cannot control the news we get any longer, now news is being published in real-time, available to everybody, via the Internet.

 Gillmor sees the internet as a catalyst to challenge institutions .
 He states that ordinary citizens use blogs and other online communication tools to share our own news, which he calls ‘citizen journalism’
Gillmor calls bloggers ‘the former audience’ and writes about news blogs as new form of people’s journalism.

Citizen Journalism: Discussing the Growing Movement

Citizen journalism is an activity that is becoming increasingly popular in modern society. It is a broad term used to describe the phenomenon of average citizens taking on the roles of amateur journalists, in order to provide alternative sources of information, outside of more traditional news and media sources.
Although citizen journalism has been in existence for decades, in various forms, the movement is currently experiencing a marked rise in popularity. The reasons for this increased exposure are multiple and varied, but can be mainly attributed to the seemingly limitless access to information from across the globe, via the internet, and the easy accessibility to internet activities such as blogging and posting videos on YouTube. There are a number of important discussion points that need to be addressed when considering the advantages and disadvantages of citizen journalism, including the question of why it exists, the many forms that it takes, the question of objectivity, and the degree of influence that it can have. These points will be discussed in more detail below.

Why is Citizen News Important? Why and How Does It Exist?

Citizen news is an extremely broad term, encompassing countless types of information and methods of delivery. The general idea behind the phenomenon is the basic desire to receive and transmit information. Citizen journalists may be motivated to share information for any number of diverse reasons: They may be activists; attention-seekers; they may be privy to important information not being addressed by more traditional media sources; they may wish to express an opinion. Some amateur writers may wish to provide unbiased perspectives on situations in which they feel the traditional media is presenting only one side, while others may devote their energies to fact checking and/or analyzing existing news pieces.

Popular Forms of Citizen Journalism

As described above, the idea of a democratic form of journalism, where every individual is entitled to a voice, and to having that voice heard through various forms of media, may manifest itself in many ways. In today’s plugged in society, propagating information has never been easier, with tools such as web logs (blogs), chat rooms and message boards, and the ability to publish home videos of every sort on YouTube and similar sites. One characteristic that all of these citizen journalism sites have in common however, is the possibility for audience participation. Discussing an issue in one of these public domain sites invites the opportunity to publicize criticisms and comments, and to engage in a continuous dialogue.

The Question of Objectivity

The biggest challenge, with citizen journalism, is being able to identify information that is put forth in an objective and unbiased way, as opposed to information that is used to advance a particular cause or idea. Determining the reliability of sources becomes a challenge.

 Look at these Citizen Journalism statements..........

  • Citizen journalism enhances the news

  • There are citizen journalists experts out there, that now have the online communication tools

  • Newspapers can’t appeal to everyone; it’s good to get alternative view points on the world

  • Journalists act as mediators to verify citizen journalism news stories 

  • Journalists have lost their role as gatekeepers of news information

  • Audiences may question the quality of journalism, due to ordinary citizens reporting the news

  • Citizen journalism devalues journalism- anyone now can be a journalist

  • Due to technological advances citizen journalists are uploading video and pictures to report news. Newspapers are now offering more news via video and multimedia platforms.

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