Thursday 18 July 2013

Mark Zuckerberg: Inside Facebook questions and answers

Mark Zuckerberg states "Social networks will be ubiquitous tool used by billions of people to stay connected every day"

1. What does this statement mean?
This means that social networks will be present everywhere and any where in our every day lives.

2. How many people in Britain are registered on facebook?
30 million

3. Why does Mark Zuckerberg want people to share information?
He wants people to share information to make the world more open and connected. It allows users to discover new things like movies, places etc.

4. Why are so many users attracted to using facebook? Give reasons
* Some people have facebook purely because they have been pressured as they feel they are missing out on socialising. Others are addicted to facebook as they can discover new things, reunite with old friends etc.

5. How did Mark Zuckerberg develop facebook? When did it start?
The development of facebook originally started off as a prank when Zuckerberg was in university which set up a website called 'facemash' which was a profile in which they would judge and rate people on how they looked. People themselves didn't put up their pictures.

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